Good Evening Ladies And Gentlemen..


I've got a spare 10 minutes so i thought i'd make a nice post on this blog about site updates and the progress of some of my projects. Read carefully, you might learn something new.

I'll be online for the next 3 hours doing some work and keeping an eye out for one of my auctions. I'm currently selling a domain name on eBay and it's finishing in less than 3 hours. My reserve price has been met and there's 2 watchers on the auction......things could heat up very quickly towards the end...

I wasn't sure if i should post about this because the auction is still active. Oh well, it's too late now so i may as well "spill the beans". Last month, i read about Domain Name Trading, i decided to give it a try. I'm used to trading on Betting Exchanges but Domain Name Trading is much easier. All you need to do is Buy Domains and Sell them for more than you bought them for.

Sounds easy huh? Yep, there's no need to watch "volume of money" or price charts at all. You simply buy and sell domains for profit. Selecting which domains to buy is a little trickier, i'd recommend a nice generic term such as (That's the one i'm selling).

I manage my domains on Sedo (Domain Parking Site) which provides stats and also a small stream of income IF one of the ads on my parked domains are clicked. Out of the 7 domains i have, i use 3 of them for business purposes and i'm going to be selling the rest.

Domain names are fairly cheap to buy, i bought mine for less than £10 for 2 years. You can also buy them on a monthly fee which is probably best if you want to sell them quickly (something that i'll be trying soon).

Back to the auction, the reserve price i set was £50. The intial bid i recieved was £35 and now it's at £50 with about two and a half hours to go. The only constraint to the amount you will make is amount of money your buyer has. Good Domains can sell for thousands of pounds, and if you're lucky, millions.


Ok time for some site updates:

I've got a nice tutorial that will be featuring on soon. It's an expanded and more in-depth version of the Bet-Sleep-Bet strategy. This tutorial will be sent to people on the mailing list first, so if you've not joined up, sign up now!

I'm going to be working on right now. I'll be making some changes to the articles and also adding some more for your reading pleasure. New additions will be added to my investment portfolio to diversify and lower risk.


That's all for now, folks. Before i go and work on Invest-Tips, i just want to plug a new site that i own 50% of. It's a Stress Relief information site and you can find it here:

Take a look at it, study it and i'll tell you a secret about it in my next post :)

Adsense Content Sites.......Part 1


Hello All,

I'm just going to give you a quick introduction to Adsense Content Sites, i'll get into more detail as the parts progress. I'm thinking about making this a 5 part post, i didnt make a formal plan or anything so we'll just see where this goes as i can always revise my posts later.

Adsense Content Sites - What Are They?

Imagine a website with content. The content could be anything (sports, dogs, cars, etc. ) and surrounding the content are Google Adsense Ads. Each time the Adsense Ads are clicked, the owner of the website will be paid. The amount they are paid depends on the bids for that particular keyword and it can be anything from $0.10 - to over $10. The relationship between the owner and the website visitor are as follows:

The owner wants to make money from clicks on their ads produced by their visitors and their visitors want quality information they are looking for.

So, if the owner wants more clicks, he/she needs to provide more pages of quality information.

How Much Money Can I Make?

The sky is the limit with Adsense Earnings. If you had one site which produced $5 per day, you make $150 per month. If you had two sites that made $5 per day, it would double to $300 per month. Apart from earning from adsense, you could also promote affiliate products to supplement your income. One of the sites that i own produces $200 per month in affiliate commissions alone.

The key is to develop a successful routine that you can replicate over and over again. Once you get into a good routine, producing Adsense sites will not be difficult.

How Do You Do It?

Make a plan and stick to it. To have a successful content site, the Ads will need to be blended into the site (matching colour schemes) to increase click-throughs. They should be placed in good areas on your site (places which are highly visable to the visitor, see Google Heat Map).

The site should have a good degree of Search Engine Optimisation so that search engines will rank it higher than competitors and it should also have a lot of backlinks from high PR sites so the site gets indexed into the major search engines.

How Do I Get Started?

The simplest way to get started with Adsense sites is to make your own blog. provides free blogs with integrated Adsense units.

I'll be posting more about this topic soon. This post is probably a bit messed up because i'm typing in a hurry. I'll be fixing it soon when i have time.

A Sense Of Achievement


Good Afternoon,

I hope everyone is well and acting on the information on this blog. I use all of the methods here to generate my own personal income. Although, i fully realise that my strategies may not work for everyone because everyone is different -i do believe that if you read closely, you could make at least one of the revenue streams on this blog work for you.

This week has been great. My affiliate sales from ClickBank have increased and one of my adsense sites is sustaining a healthy $7 per day (almost $200 per month). But my greatest achievement of all this week was passing my driving test. Yep, it took one year and some temporary failure but it feels good now that it's finally over.

It is this determination that all of my readers should adopt too. Internet Marketing, Betfair Trading and Investing are not "Get Rich Quick" schemes. You really have to work at it. If you fail once, so what? You can try as many times as you want and out of all those times, you only need to be successful once. I don't know about you, but that's worth it for me.

Everyone has their stories of success, mine is being able to make an income from the internet starting with nothing. If you don't have a success story yet, i suggest you take action now to make it come true.

I'll even give you a push in the right direction. I want you to read as much as you can about the following topics:

Betfair Trading
Adsense Content Sites
Affiliate Marketing

Actually, just concentrate on one for now. I'd recommend reading up on Adsense Content Sites if you have no experience in Trading. I'll write a bit about my Adsense Content Strategies later this week to help supplement your learning.

Well, it's off to work on my putting BidVertiser (Alternative to Adsense) on one of my sites now. I'm pretty optimistic that it will work well :)

p.s To everyone who has emailed me, thanks for your emails. I'll be spending some time tonight to answer your questions.

The Latest Autosurf / HYIP News


The autosurf industry has been hit hard in the past month due to StormPay issues. However, i was pleased to learn today that some autosurfs are now making a come-back without the help of StormPay. In this post we'll be looking at some of the investments from our investment site,

We'll begin with StudioTraffic. ST is one of the more long-standing autosurfs but have stopped paying consistently over the past 3 months due to a range of different problems. They sent out a newsletter last month signalling the end of this confusion. I'll believe them once i recieve my payout.

Last month, i requested a payout through StormPay but due to StormPay freezing accounts, i couldn't be paid (oh and StormPay have stolen money from my account but we'll go into that another day). Thinking on my feet, i decided to change my payment processor to MoneyBookers but to my disappointment StudioTraffic declined my payout because of something in the Moneybookers' Terms and Conditions. Since StormPay and Moneybookers option seem to be out of the equation, i'm now left with either a cheque that i won't recieve (i'm in the UK) or Electronic Bank Transfer. I opted for EBT but had to verify my bank account so now i'm waiting for a reply from them. Will i be paid in March? I'm not sure.....

DadnDaves made an announcement today and they are now back on track. This is pretty good news but probably will not make a difference to most people because they are now a private club. I posted on Invest-Tips a while ago when they were accepting members, hopefully a few of you got in on time.

e-Gold seem to be the payment processor of choice for autosurfs at the moment. Alien Trust are now accepting e-Gold and have refunded all pending payments to their members. Cashouts begin on Friday, so if you still have an account balance at AT, please make sure you have an e-gold account so you can withdraw your balance. I'll be trying to make a withdrawal on Friday, so i'll let you know how it all goes.

The battle goes on between StormPay and 12DailyPro. I've heard rumours that they are both being investigated by federal authorities. Charis is supposed to be making an announcement this afternoon. Whether it will be good news or bad news remains to be seen. We're hoping for good news as we are still waiting for a pending payment. Once again, we'll be keeping you updated on this.

Oh and Happy Valentines Day!

Turning Essays into Dollars....


Hi Everyone,

Just thought i'd share an idea with all of you. We all know that we can make money from Google Adsense, in fact, it's pretty easy. All you need is a good system that you can repeat and you could be completing adsense sites in as little as 2 hours.

The tricky part about adsense sites is creating the content. You can get free content from article sites but the Google do not like these very much and it will affect your Search Engine rankings. This afternoon, while i was cleaning out some junk, i noticed some old college reports and essays that i had lying about. I was just about to dump them when i realised that i could make money from them (turning them into adsense sites)!

I quickly loaded up some software to find how popular the topic was, if the market was competitve and how much i would get per adsense click. I was amazed to unravel a great niche market! The keyword gets around 70,000 searches per month and adsense clicks are worth up to $4. This is a potential $500+ adsense site!

So, the lesson i learned today was - "Don't throw away old essays and reports because they could be great adsense sites". Oh.....and the topic was Cv and Resumes.

My Thoughts And Strategy On StormPay...


Hello Everyone,

Thanks for taking time to read this post. I'd just like to write something on what i personally think about StormPay and my strategy regarding this problem (which you can adopt too).

Well, i'm sure you've heard by now that StormPay have frozen the accounts of several autosurfs including 12DailyPro, Alien Trust and DadnDaves. There is a lot of speculation and rumour surrounding this topic on the internet, however i am only concerned about the facts.

Alien Trust, 12DailyPro and DadnDaves have had their StormPay accounts frozen which means that they cannot pay members. All three autosurfs are no longer accepting new members until this problem has been sorted out.

The admin of 12DailyPro, Charis, is currently trying to regain access to her 12DailyPro account so that members can be refunded. She has sent out numerous emails regarding this whole situation. We are hoping that they will regain their funds as soon as possible.

The latest post by Vince, The Alien Trust Admin, suggests that Alien Trust may close and re-open with a new site and a new payment processor. EMO (Electronic Money Order) looks like the payment processor of choice for autosurfs at the moment. If Alien Trust starts a new site, it is unlikely that members will be getting a refund as funds have been lost to StormPay.

It looks like StormPay have just come in and taken money from autosurfs out of pure greed. There are a lot of rumours regarding the integrity of StormPay and the real reason they have frozen merchant accounts. I won't go into it here but all i'll say is that i am not a happy StormPay customer.

So now that we know the facts, what should be OUR plan of action? I have over $1000 in autosurfs at the moment which use StormPay.

There is not much we can do except from wait for new developments as they occur. My advice is to withdraw all your funds from StormPay as I do not deem them a trustworthy organisation and i'd rather not place my money in the "safe-keeping" of these people. I have already requested the withdrawal of funds which were not in autosurfs. After this incident, i don't think any autosurf will want to use them again.

Hopefully, all of the readers here have not taken a big hit and the funds they make from lower risk hyips such as CG Financial (200% ROI in 4 months) will make up for some of the losses. We also hope that you had funds in e-gold and did not just hold money in StormPay. Funds in StormPay should also have been fed into your bank account every month to "take profit".

Whatever happens in the future, i'll be keeping you updated on the latest happenings regarding the autosurf industry. I hope that we've all learned something from these unfortunate events and will adapt our strategies to prevent this from happening again.

Internet Marketing On My Mind



6 months ago, i started this blog as a place to post my thoughts about how i use the internet to generate an income. I started with posting about how i made money using Betfair which led to a website called I was pretty happy with the site and it's still surviving today, averaging about 1000 unique visitors per month with no advertising.

After about 2 months, i discovered High Yield Investments and Autosurf programs. I must admit, i didn't believe that i could could make money with them - it just seemed too easy. Anyway, i had nothing to lose, so i gave it a try. I started with one investment and now i have a portfolio of 7 which can be found on my other site, I'm glad i took the risk, because it's paid off now. I've recovered my initial investment and have got some real passive income under my belt now.

My main goal was to create passive income so that i would not have to work for money - money would work for me - which is why i've reduced the amount of time i spend trading on Betfair. At the moment, i'm concentrating on Internet Marketing which is a huge subject that i'm extremely interested in. I've already have some success but now i'm working on something of a larger scale. My own product.

The past 6 months have been great but it's time to make some serious money now. I hope that everyone will continue reading this blog to learn about the real way to make money online which, although challenged by many, is not a myth.


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