Part 2: An Introduction to.........Internet Marketing!

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Identifying Your Niche

In this part of "An introduction to......Internet Marketing!" we will be taking a look at the ways Internet Marketers identify their niche.Before setting off on your long Internet Marketing journey, you need to have a idea of the type of site you are going to create and also ask yourself "where is the money going to come from?". In our previous article we identified that we could
make money from Google Adsense, Affiliate Programs or selling our own product. Which one of them suits your niche?

There are two approches to Internet Marketing. You either build content FOR your niche or you build content AROUND your niche.

Building content FOR your niche means that you identify a niche market and build your website around it. This approach requires no previous knowledge on the topic you are marketing but WILL require a lot of research. This type of "content-building" technique is usually used by the more advanced marketers due to the amount of time and effort needed to research the market and the topic. We will talk about research methods in later in this guide.

The second approach is building content AROUND your niche. This means that you already have sufficient knowledge about the topic (usually something that interests you i.e. computing). You will then build a site around the topic that you already have knowledge about and add methods to monetize the site (Google Adsense, etc). This approach is more suited to beginners because it is easier and takes less time to write about a topic that you already know.

Researching Your Niche

The end result that you are trying to achieve is to build a money-making machine that requires little or no effort to maintain. This creates "passive income" also known as "making money without working". Every niche needs some degree of research effort invested in it. I am not talking about researching your topic, i'm talking about researching every aspect of your site i.e. "Who are my competitors? Where is my traffic going to come from? What are the best ways to monetize this type of niche?"

Additional research time should be given to researching keywords and ways to make your website design clean and user friendly. First impressions are everything.

Monetizing your Niche

There is no right or wrong way to monetise your niche site. Although some ways may be more profittable than others, it is up you to experiment with what works. Part 3 of "An introduction to.......Internet Marketing!" will take you through my tried and tested ways to convert niche sites into cash. We will be focusing on ways to implement Google Adsense, Affiliate products and selling your own product.

To recieve Part 3 before everyone else, sign up to my new newsletter and i'll rush a copy to your inbox.

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