Small update


Small update to! Just click on the link to check it out.

Forgot to mention that we added a link to Student Entrepreneur yesterday. You can now find it in our links section on this page. Student Entrepreur is a site that i found a few months ago that has some information about business that is worth reading.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki


I began reading Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki a few days ago, after a friend recommended it to me.

This book is about opening your eyes to "Financial Literacy" so that you can teach yourself and your kids about "how to make your money work for you, instead of working for money". Kiyosaki believes that:

"The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school but learned nothing about money. The result is that people learn to work for money...but never learn to have money work for them"

So what does this book teach you? Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches you about building assets and looking for opportunities to help you turn your earned income into passive income(monthly income that does not require you to work). It also provides a good financial knowledge foundation for anyone thinking about improving their income.

Most of the lessons taught in this book are through Kiyosaki frequently referring to his childhood years where he was a given contrasting advice by his educated dad and his rich dad. It is this style of "learning through experience" that makes this book an excellent read. Kiyosaki makes it clear, time after time - that going to school, working hard and working for someone else for 60 years until retirement is not the best advice to give to your children in this statement:

"The world has changed but the advice has remained the same"

This book is packed with new advice adapted to the changing world. We are no longer living in the past - the days of going to school to get a good job to earn more money have long gone. Rich Dad Poor Dad challenges your belief that you have to earn a high income to become rich and, more importantly, shows you how to adapt to the changing world.

Update for 29th September 2005


Just finished a small update on I have added a new "links" page and also included a preview of our free tutorial which is available to download at our site.

A few days ago, i posted about reading the book - Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki. Well, i've now finished reading it and i will be posting a review of it in a few hours time.

Website up and running!

0 comments is up and running again after some technical difficulties. Check out our articles on there which have been provided free of charge and aim to help you make money online!

During my spare time, i have been reading a book called "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki. If you haven't read it before, i recommend you to take a look at it if you are serious about making money. Apart from being motivational, it is also a great source of knowledge. I will be reviewing this book soon on

Website down at the moment?


Our site seems to be down at the moment. Hopefully we can fix the problem as soon as possible(should not take longer than a few hours).

In the meantime, head on over to StudioTraffic and find out how you can make a 365% return on your investment!

Saturday 24th September Update


If you haven't checked out yet, i'd like to advise you to do so now.

We've just added a new article - Betting Exchanges Introduction - which gives a brief introduction into what a betting exchange is and how it works in basic form. Understanding how a Betting Exchange works is very important if you are serious about making money at an exchange, whether it be from backing, trading or laying.

In the following weeks i will be adding more about the trading strategies which can be used on Betfair without the use of third-party software. So stay tuned, and i hope you will learn something useful from our website.

Help is at hand...


Just thought i'd make a post about our site ( aims to help YOU make money on the internet. You've probably heard it all before and have remained slightly sceptical but the articles on have all been written by me and WILL help you make money, based on my own experiences.

Why should you believe me? Well, its quite simple. My articles are provided free of charge so you have nothing to lose anyway.

I am not trying to sell you anything. The information is on the site and all that requires is for you to read it and motivate yourself to put it into action.

We are adding more articles daily. Currently we have some information on Betting Exchanges and also a method which allows you to guarantee a profit in a sporting event, no matter the outcome!

Recently we added our High Yield Investments Article (HYIP) which shows you how to make a 365% profit from your investment for just surfing the net!

Too good to be true? Take a look at and make your own mind up!

Internet Business Help has launched!

Hello there!

Welcome to Internet Business Help! I have decided to set up a blog so that i can keep a progress diary of my online businesses and also provide you with information to help you start your own internet business! :)


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