Build A Site In 2 Hours?


Yes, i managed to build a site in 2 hours today. I never thought i'd be able to do it, but i managed to prove myself wrong. The site was built using Dreamweaver only and i don't even think i'm that good at it. Anyway, make your own mind up, the site is available for all to see at:

Happy Holidays


Hello Everyone,

I hope you've enjoyed your holidays. 2006 is just around the corner and i'm looking forward to it. I'll be setting up a few new businesses next year and i'm excited already. Let's look at what's been happening so far...

I'm still working on this site and will upload a review of ChromaWebMT (Market Analysis Software for Betfair) very soon. The application tracks prices on Betfair Markets and produces some nice looking graphs which makes it easier to spot trends.
This is a fairly new site that i have just completed about Autosurf and High Yield Investments. I became interested in Online Investments after finding out about StudioTraffic - so i decided it would be good to share my knowledge on this subject along with some strategies that i use to maximise my profits.

Internet Marketing
Originally, this Blog was set up to share Internet Marketing skills and techniques so that we could all make money on the internet together. Since then, it has evolved into a full blown money making opportunity site.....and all of the methods on this site are real methods that i use to earn my living (Betfair Trading, Internet Marketing, Online Investments). Since, i haven't been posting about Internet Marketing lately, i'll give you a very very good forum about Internet Marketing. This place is the Warrior Forum and i read the posts on their almost everyday. It is a great resource.

I'll be making more posts to this blog during the week, so remember to bookmark this page!

What A Week!


I've been super busy this week due to completing new projects but just wanted to make a quick post to update you on what's been going on.

I managed to complete my new project today. It's an investment site that is aimed at advising people on how to make money using High Yield Investments and Autosurf programmes. If you are interested the site is available here, please check it out:

I realise that i sent out a message to my newsletter subscribers about completing a software review for them today. I am unable to complete it for today but should have it done in a few days time at the most along, with another betting tutorial.

Have a wonderful day!

Traffic Building


Building traffic to your site is very important, especially if you are trying to build Adsense content sites. Getting traffic is not as easy as it seems and many websites fail because the owners have not been taught how to generate traffic. Your website could be the prettiest thing in the world......but what good is that when no one knows it exists?

There are many ways to get traffic to your site. Some are good, others just a waste of time. Determining which methods work best for you depends on your site content and a little experimenting. I've listed some of methods of traffic building and will begin explaining each one during the week. So here goes:

  1. Traffic Exchanges
  2. Link Exchanging
  3. Directories
  4. Search Engine Optimisation
  5. Forums
  6. Pay Per Click Advertising
  7. Offline Advertising
  8. Articles
The list above are the ones that i am going to focus on. Throughout the week, i'll be explaining and showing you how you can improve traffic to your site.

Music While You Work!


I don't know about you, but i like to listen to music while i'm working on my computer. This is why i was pleased when i found Pandora. I've been using it for a few weeks now and it is great. Pandora is a free music player which allows you to listen to streaming music on the internet. The beauty of Pandora is that it recommends and plays songs that it thinks you will like. You can type in a song title or an artist and it will play similiar songs. Go on, give it a try!


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