I've got a spare 10 minutes so i thought i'd make a nice post on this blog about site updates and the progress of some of my projects. Read carefully, you might learn something new.
I'll be online for the next 3 hours doing some work and keeping an eye out for one of my auctions. I'm currently selling a domain name on eBay and it's finishing in less than 3 hours. My reserve price has been met and there's 2 watchers on the auction......things could heat up very quickly towards the end...
I wasn't sure if i should post about this because the auction is still active. Oh well, it's too late now so i may as well "spill the beans". Last month, i read about Domain Name Trading, i decided to give it a try. I'm used to trading on Betting Exchanges but Domain Name Trading is much easier.
All you need to do is Buy Domains and Sell them for more than you bought them for.
Sounds easy huh? Yep, there's no need to watch "volume of money" or price charts at all. You simply buy and sell domains for profit. Selecting which domains to buy is a little trickier, i'd recommend a nice generic term such as BuyStorage.co.uk (That's the one i'm selling).
I manage my domains on Sedo (Domain Parking Site) which provides stats and also a small stream of income IF one of the ads on my parked domains are clicked. Out of the 7 domains i have, i use 3 of them for business purposes and i'm going to be selling the rest.
Domain names are fairly cheap to buy, i bought mine for less than £10 for 2 years. You can also buy them on a monthly fee which is probably best if you want to sell them quickly (something that i'll be trying soon).
Back to the auction, the reserve price i set was £50. The intial bid i recieved was £35 and now it's at £50 with about two and a half hours to go. The only constraint to the amount you will make is amount of money your buyer has. Good Domains can sell for thousands of pounds, and if you're lucky, millions.
Ok time for some site updates:
I've got a nice tutorial that will be featuring on
BetMatching.co.uk soon. It's an expanded and more in-depth version of the Bet-Sleep-Bet strategy. This tutorial will be sent to people on the mailing list first, so if you've not joined up, sign up now!
I'm going to be working on
Invest-Tips.com right now. I'll be making some changes to the articles and also adding some more for your reading pleasure. New additions will be added to my investment portfolio to diversify and lower risk.
That's all for now, folks. Before i go and work on Invest-Tips, i just want to plug a new site that i own 50% of. It's a Stress Relief information site and you can find it here:
http://Stress.opencapital.wsTake a look at it, study it and i'll tell you a secret about it in my next post :)
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