Turning Essays into Dollars....

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Hi Everyone,

Just thought i'd share an idea with all of you. We all know that we can make money from Google Adsense, in fact, it's pretty easy. All you need is a good system that you can repeat and you could be completing adsense sites in as little as 2 hours.

The tricky part about adsense sites is creating the content. You can get free content from article sites but the Google do not like these very much and it will affect your Search Engine rankings. This afternoon, while i was cleaning out some junk, i noticed some old college reports and essays that i had lying about. I was just about to dump them when i realised that i could make money from them (turning them into adsense sites)!

I quickly loaded up some software to find how popular the topic was, if the market was competitve and how much i would get per adsense click. I was amazed to unravel a great niche market! The keyword gets around 70,000 searches per month and adsense clicks are worth up to $4. This is a potential $500+ adsense site!

So, the lesson i learned today was - "Don't throw away old essays and reports because they could be great adsense sites". Oh.....and the topic was Cv and Resumes.

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