Internet Marketing On My Mind
Published Wednesday, February 01, 2006 by Darren Davis | E-mail this post
6 months ago, i started this blog as a place to post my thoughts about how i use the internet to generate an income. I started with posting about how i made money using Betfair which led to a website called I was pretty happy with the site and it's still surviving today, averaging about 1000 unique visitors per month with no advertising.
After about 2 months, i discovered High Yield Investments and Autosurf programs. I must admit, i didn't believe that i could could make money with them - it just seemed too easy. Anyway, i had nothing to lose, so i gave it a try. I started with one investment and now i have a portfolio of 7 which can be found on my other site, I'm glad i took the risk, because it's paid off now. I've recovered my initial investment and have got some real passive income under my belt now.
My main goal was to create passive income so that i would not have to work for money - money would work for me - which is why i've reduced the amount of time i spend trading on Betfair. At the moment, i'm concentrating on Internet Marketing which is a huge subject that i'm extremely interested in. I've already have some success but now i'm working on something of a larger scale. My own product.
The past 6 months have been great but it's time to make some serious money now. I hope that everyone will continue reading this blog to learn about the real way to make money online which, although challenged by many, is not a myth.
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