Thanks for taking time to read this post. I'd just like to write something on what i personally think about
StormPay and my strategy regarding this problem (which you can adopt too).
Well, i'm sure you've heard by now that
StormPay have frozen the accounts of several autosurfs including
12DailyPro, Alien Trust and DadnDaves. There is a lot of speculation and rumour surrounding this topic on the internet, however i am only concerned about the facts.
Alien Trust,
12DailyPro and
DadnDaves have had their StormPay accounts frozen which means that they cannot pay members. All three autosurfs are no longer accepting new members until this problem has been sorted out.
The admin of
12DailyPro, Charis, is currently trying to regain access to her
12DailyPro account so that members can be refunded. She has sent out numerous emails regarding this whole situation. We are hoping that they will regain their funds as soon as possible.
The latest post by Vince
, The Alien Trust Admin, suggests that
Alien Trust may close and re-open with a new site and a new payment processor.
EMO (Electronic Money Order) looks like the payment processor of choice for autosurfs at the moment. If Alien Trust starts a new site, it is unlikely that members will be getting a refund as funds have been lost to
It looks like
StormPay have just come in and taken money from autosurfs out of pure greed. There are a lot of rumours regarding the integrity of
StormPay and the real reason they have frozen merchant accounts. I won't go into it here but all i'll say is that i am not a happy
StormPay customer.
So now that we know the facts, what should be OUR plan of action? I have over $1000 in autosurfs at the moment which use
There is not much we can do except from wait for new developments as they occur. My advice is to withdraw all your funds from
StormPay as I do not deem them a trustworthy organisation and i'd rather not place my money in the "safe-keeping" of these people. I have already requested the withdrawal of funds which were not in autosurfs. After this incident, i don't think any autosurf will want to use them again.
Hopefully, all of the readers here have not taken a big hit and the funds they make from lower risk hyips such as
CG Financial (200% ROI in 4 months) will make up for some of the losses. We also hope that you had funds in e-gold and did not just hold money in
StormPay. Funds in
StormPay should also have been fed into your bank account every month to "take profit".
Whatever happens in the future, i'll be keeping you updated on the latest happenings regarding the autosurf industry. I hope that we've all learned something from these unfortunate events and will adapt our strategies to prevent this from happening again.
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