Alive and Kicking


Hello everyone,

Just wanted to post a quick note about what's been happening with the blog. Well, the truth is, not a lot. I've been too busy with other projects this week so i haven't had time to write any new articles for the blog.

However, has been growing rapidly. We have recently added a new site layout and also some new betting tutorials, so please check it out.

The importance of Diversifying Income


The internet is a land filled with treasure and mystery. Money-Making opportunities come and go in the blink of an eye. This is why it is important for me to diversify my online income.

I know that the money we make on the internet can be easily taken away in an instant, sometimes, without warning. I search for job security and a job that feels more tangible but a job offline and working for someone else would not be as rewarding.

To combat this feeling of lack of job security, i try to diversify my online income. I never "put all my eggs in one basket" because i am aware that if one of my online streams of income are shut off, i must be able to survive without it. With this in mind, my aim is to make sure that each of my online streams of income are able to support me individually if the others should fail.

My goal is to acquire assets in the online world to generate passive income so that i can invest in the offline world. Achieving assets both online and offline would increase job security.

There are many ways to build assets in the online world, we will focus on how to acquire these online assets in this blog. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will already be aware of 3 assets that anyone can use, including yourself. I won't tell you what they are yet, you'll need to look deeper but they are definately on this blog.

Updates coming soon..


I have a lot projects planned which are causing me to work harder than ever. However, i am determined to keep updating this blog and my other sites.

Updates coming soon

We will be posting part 3 of "An introduction to.....Internet Marketing" very shortly. If you are interested in starting up with Internet Marketing, i recommend reading the previous parts of this series too. You can find them on this blog (use the search bar at the top).

On the subject of betting and gambling, we will be focusing on third-party software for Betting Exchanges. We will be reviewing and showing you how to use 2 software packages for trading on Betfair. My aim is to capture one of my trading techniques on video for you to see.

Please do not be fooled into thinking that buying software to help you trade will make you instantly successful. Trading software is only as good as the person using it. This is why i urge everyone to learn the basics of manually using the Betfair interface. Due to this, i will be adding more articles to do with Betting Exchange Basics into the "Betting Exchanges Introduction" section of

Have a good day!

Financial Trading Tutorial ( Time-Decay )


I have decided to write the Financial Trading tutorial here because it allows me to edit things easier than on If you haven't been on this site before, this is my blog and it has a lot of information on other ways to make money on the internet besides betting and gamblling. Feel free to take a look around. Anyway, lets begin with the tutorial:

Financial Trading for beginners

First of all, i hope you are familiar with how betfair works. The Betfair basics are explained on

Go to the Betfair site and bring up the financial bets from the menu on the left of their website. The Intraday bets are the ones you want (can be FTSE or DOW index). It should bring up a list of hours in the format 1pm - 2pm, etc. Click on the hour that is in-play right now. The odds should be displayed as below:

We have our Betfair screen ready, but we are not quite ready to place our bets just yet. Before we place our bet, we need to analyse the index using
charts so that we can be sure that we'll be on the correct side of the bet.

I recommend using yahoo charts which are free ( ). Once you have the Yahoo charts window up, you need to find the graph of the index you are trading. You can type in the index symbol into the search bar at the top of the page (^FTSE for FTSE index and ^DJI for DOW index). I will be trading the FTSE so i'll be using the FTSE chart. After you find the chart you are trading, click on the technical analysis section to give you a more detailed chart, your Yahoo page should look something like this:

I won't go into reading charts right now because the topic is too large. There is plently of information on reading charts available on the internet if you want to learn in more detail. For this tutorial, i am just going to focus on my method.

I use charts to make a decision on whether i think the index is going to rise or fall. I back the outcome on Betfair on whether the index is likely to end above or below the level they specified ( from the screenshot, we can see that the betfair level is above or below 5283.30 ).

At 1pm today, my charts indicated that the index would rise above the level. All i did was place a back bet on that outcome and then placed a lay bet to guarantee a profit. The result? Well take a look for yourself:

The green figures under the Betfair levels show us the amount that we will win. This screenshot shows us that we will profit no matter the outcome. If the FTSE finishes above 5283.30 we will win £9.70. If it finishes below 5283.30, we will win £13.53. We can't lose.

I used the calculator available here to calculate my stakes. This method is so simple. All you need to do is figure out whether or not the index will rise or fall then back and lay that outcome. To guarantee a profit, you must back at higher odds than you lay.

Sometimes i back the outcome when it reaches 1.10, then a few moments later i lay at 1.05. The odds will fall as time passes on the outcome that looks most likely.

I usually back and lay when there is only 10 - 15 mins of in-play time left (for the 1pm - 2pm time band, i only bet at around 1.45pm). This limits risk as there is only 15 minutes left until the outcome is decided. A summary of this method has been provided below:

1. Find the most likely outcome ( look for low odds, confirm your decision with charts )
2. Place back bet
3. Click on the lay side of that the most likely outcome
4. Offer odds a few ticks lower than your back bet (i.e back at 1.10 then offer to lay at 1.05)
5. Use the bet calculator and calculate your stake to guarantee a profit
6. Place your lay bet
7. Sit back and wait until your lay bet is matched
8. Bet matched, you have now guaranteed a profit!

I hope this post has been useful to you. Remember that our aim here is to make a lot of small wins (i.e 5% every hour), do not get greedy as this increases your chance of a loss. I have found that this method works very well for me.

Learn to trade financials for FREE!


I have exciting news for you all. Tomorrow, I will be writing about trading financials indices on Betfair. There are many methods to trade financials but I will explain the method that I use on Betfair. If you do not have an account with them yet, I'd advise you to get one now so that you can take advantage of this great opportunity.

My method will be explained in great detail and requires no previous knowledge of trading. It is so simple, yet so effective. You will not believe it! Here is a brief description of my trading method:

"We will be trading the FTSE index on Betfair in the morning. Our aim is to "lock in a profit" so that we are guaranteed a return, no matter the outcome of the event. This is not your standard "arbitrage". We will ONLY be using Betfair. We aim for small, relatively risk-free, returns every hour. The usual yield is around 5% whch equates to roughly 40% ROI every day and 200% a week!"

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and be prepared for a life-changing tutorial on Financial Trading tomorrow!

Part 2: An Introduction to.........Internet Marketing!


Identifying Your Niche

In this part of "An introduction to......Internet Marketing!" we will be taking a look at the ways Internet Marketers identify their niche.Before setting off on your long Internet Marketing journey, you need to have a idea of the type of site you are going to create and also ask yourself "where is the money going to come from?". In our previous article we identified that we could
make money from Google Adsense, Affiliate Programs or selling our own product. Which one of them suits your niche?

There are two approches to Internet Marketing. You either build content FOR your niche or you build content AROUND your niche.

Building content FOR your niche means that you identify a niche market and build your website around it. This approach requires no previous knowledge on the topic you are marketing but WILL require a lot of research. This type of "content-building" technique is usually used by the more advanced marketers due to the amount of time and effort needed to research the market and the topic. We will talk about research methods in later in this guide.

The second approach is building content AROUND your niche. This means that you already have sufficient knowledge about the topic (usually something that interests you i.e. computing). You will then build a site around the topic that you already have knowledge about and add methods to monetize the site (Google Adsense, etc). This approach is more suited to beginners because it is easier and takes less time to write about a topic that you already know.

Researching Your Niche

The end result that you are trying to achieve is to build a money-making machine that requires little or no effort to maintain. This creates "passive income" also known as "making money without working". Every niche needs some degree of research effort invested in it. I am not talking about researching your topic, i'm talking about researching every aspect of your site i.e. "Who are my competitors? Where is my traffic going to come from? What are the best ways to monetize this type of niche?"

Additional research time should be given to researching keywords and ways to make your website design clean and user friendly. First impressions are everything.

Monetizing your Niche

There is no right or wrong way to monetise your niche site. Although some ways may be more profittable than others, it is up you to experiment with what works. Part 3 of "An introduction to.......Internet Marketing!" will take you through my tried and tested ways to convert niche sites into cash. We will be focusing on ways to implement Google Adsense, Affiliate products and selling your own product.

To recieve Part 3 before everyone else, sign up to my new newsletter and i'll rush a copy to your inbox.

Part 1: An Introduction to........Internet Marketing!


The Internet Marketer

Internet Marketing is another way in which you can make passive income online. Internet Marketers are able to convert their own websites into money-making machines that are able to generate anything from $1 to more than $1000 a day!

I won't attempt to fool you and say Internet Marketing is easy. It isn't. It takes a lot of time and effort but the rewards are definitely worth it.

"So how do Internet Marketers make money from websites?"

Internet Marketers are able to make money from a variety of different ways but the most successful will utilise:

1. Google's Adsense and other Pay per click programs (i.e Yahoo! Publisher)
2. Affiliate programs
2. Selling their own product (This could be their own eBook or software)

Google's Adsense and other pay per click programs pay you an amount of money(usually around 20c) for every click on their ads. With one Adsense account, you can put the adsense code they provide you with, on all of your sites. To put this into perspective, imagine you recieved just 2 clicks a day for one month on one of your sites, this would generate $12 in one month. Ok, so its not a great amount. But how about if you had 10 sites? This figure would turn into $120! What about 100 sites? .....yes, thats $1200 a month!

Affiliate programs are also popular among Internet Marketers. This is because affililate programs mean that the Internet Marketer does not have to actually stock the product. All they do is help their affiliate sell their products for a cut in commission everytime they make a sale.

Another way to make money is to for Internet Marketers to sell their own product. This is usually their own eBook or their own software (sometimes they will out-source a programmer to design a program for them). The advantage of selling your own product is that you get to keep all of the money made from sales.

"What Next?"

Now that you know where Internet Marketers make money from, you'll probably want to try it for youself. I must stress that it is not as simple as it looks. However, no need to worry, as we'll be explaining how to get started in part 2 of "An Introduction to.......Internet Marketing!"

In the meantime, you might want to read up on Internet Marketing if you are interested in the subject. I recommend reading on forums and some good ones are just a search away on google.

What is this blog about?


I've been asked a few times about the topic of this blog and many believe the main topic of this blog is betting and gambling.

I'd like to take time to define the topic of this blog. The main topic of this blog is not betting and gambling. The topic of this blog is about Personal Finance. With personal finance, i mean that this site aims to help individuals unlock online streams of income which do not require a lot of time to manage. Our purpose is to help you create passive income (income which does not require you to work).

Sounds good doesn't it? So apart from Betting and Gambling strategies from (which are based on my own experiences) , we invite you to try StudioTraffic.

StudioTraffic pays you to surf the net. I manage a small group of StudioTraffic members to help them make the most of their investment. If you would like to join or read my review of StudioTraffic, please click here.

In the near future, i will be providing you with free information on Internet Marketing and also be launching a very special Internet Marketing project which will only be accepting people who view this blog!

Also coming soon, Do you like eBay? Do you use it? I will be interviewing a very successful eBayer who will share her tips and advice on how to sell your products successfully on eBay!

My advice is to keep an eye for this blog. The information on here could help change your life very soon. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



I bought another book today. You may have heard of it, its called "Think and Grow Rich". I will be reviewing it as soon as i finish reading it.

Well, that's me for today. It's been a long day and i'm going to bed now. Expect a big update tomorrow. Goodnight :)

Small Business Ideas!


Many people have been using Google's Adsense to generate income on the internet. If you are familiar with html and do not know what Adsense is, i suggest you learn about it.

Adense is Google's advertising program which pays publishers (webmasters) money for each of their ads that are clicked from your site. There are a lot of success stories available on the internet about Adsense, some people have even been reported to be earning as much as $1000 a day!

A great source of information is the MarketingSyndrome blog. MarketingSyndrome offers tips and advice on Internet Marketing and using adsense. If you don't know about MarketingSyndrome, you should definitely check it out.

Betting System is now available!


I have recently updated , there is now a Soccer / Football Trading strategy and also a betting system that i have been using frequently.

The betting system has been reported to earn £1000 per week for some people. I actually think this would be possible if you devoted all your time to it. If you would like to discuss the system, please use the forums on

I have been using the system for 6 months now and i'm doing pretty well with it - even though i do not bet every day (i only spend about 1 hour a week using it, at most!). If you are interested in using it, just go to the site above to read the instructions and download the spreadsheet. Please feel free to post your results in the forum also.

Action Planning


I have met a lot of people who seem very interested in starting their own small business. They have big dreams about living in a big fancy house with a stunning wife and a red sports car parked outside. The problem is that they seem to never have the time to actually do it. I looked up the term "procrastinate" on Google and found that one of the main reasons people procrastinate is due to fear.

People are afraid to step out of their comfort zone because they feel "safe" and "secure" working in their jobs and by having a job they have no time to look for other opportunities. The end result is that they work for someone else for 60 years until retirement.

If you are serious about starting your own small business, i would advise you to start writing an action plan. Even noting down some bullet points on how you will achieve your goals will help prevent procrastination.

Before i began designing my websites, i planned everything on paper first. This helped me to focus on the task i was trying to achieve. In the end, i managed to start 2 websites within four days and they are now generating passive income for me.

Be aware of procrastination, it could stop you from achieving your full potential!

The new week is upon us..


Its Sunday again. I've wrote a few words on Betting Exchange Strategies over at BetMatching. I've still got a lot more writing to do as i still have a lot of gambling information to share with you all. My aim for this week is to have at least 2 new articles up before Sunday 9th October. These will be:

Soccer / Football Trading
I will share a popular Betfair Soccer / Football Trading strategy with you and explain how it works and why it works.

Back Betting using Bookmakers
This is a method that i use on a daily basis. I back horses with bookmakers and make a profit even though i've backed 6 losers and only 1 winner. I show you how i do this and explain why it works.

Make sure you keep checking back here! You would be a fool to miss these opportunities to make money!

01st October - The New Month


The 1st of October today. So what's new? Well, I haven't had much free time today so my trading article will have to be postponed until tomorrow. I apologise for the extra wait, but it will be worth it!

I recieved an E-mail from Alex at Student Entrepreneur today. He asked me a few questions and i thought it would be good to post my reply on here as well as it provides some background on me:

"Hi Alex,

Thank you for replying to my E-mail. I am 19 years old and studying Business Administration at a Glasgow College. I became interested in Online Gambling after discovering the method of "Bet Matching" - using bookmakers and betting exchanges to guarantee a profit on any sporting event, regardless of the outcome.

Bet Matching opened my eyes to how betting exchanges operated and, after 6 months of Bet Matching, I began looking for other ways to profit from betting exchanges. Later on, i moved onto Financial Spreadbetting and Online Casinos.

At this moment, i am very interested in Internet Marketing. This is another area that is growing at a rapid rate and there is a lot of money to be made here. Due to this, i have started 2 sites ( and ( is a site where i will be writing about my gambling strategies and internet money making ideas. Right now, there is a Bet Matching tutorial and spreadsheet ready for you to download. I have also wrote about a High Yield Investment Program that i think everyone should take advantage of. All of my gambling strategies will be available on the site soon.

InternetBusinessHelp is my blog which i post to almost daily. This is a place where people can post comments to me and i can answer any questions they have whether its regarding Online Gambling or Internet Marketing. Content-wise, this site is targetted to people interested in starting a small business. I will be posting information on "How to Use eBay Successfully" and "Building Your Own Online Store" very soon, as these are two areas which i also have experience in.

My goals for the future are to have a successful online business and to help others build their own successful online businesses. My aim is to make £5000 a month, passive income, by this time next year from my combined online activities which are:

Online Gambling (Bet Matching, Online Casinos and Betting Exchanges)
Internet Marketing
High Yield Investments
Online Store (Will be ready in about 2 weeks)

I hope this is enough information for you. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am also interested in hearing from other student entrepreneurs, what are your plans for the future?"


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